Life is full of light and shadows, oh the joy, oh the sorrows

It has been a while since I blogged.  I just get so busy sometimes, and sharing my thoughts falls to the bottom of the priority list.  However, I am here now, and I will share.  A lot has happened since I last blogged.  We are starting a Hispanic service at Westside Baptist Church.  I am really excited about it.  A Hispanic service is something that is really needed in our community, and I really think that God is going to use this to change lives in the Hispanic population of our community.  We have felt as a staff that God has been leading us to this point for several months, and it is now actually going to happen.  I pray that God will bless and direct it.  Another thing that has happened is that the new David Crowder Band album has come out as well.  It is a great album.  I highly recommend that you get it if you do not have it already.  I think that it is one of the band’s most theologically deep works to date.  The title of today’s blog comes from the song “Shadows”.  One portion of the chorus says, “When all seems lost when we’re thrown and we’re tossed, we’ll remember the cost, we’re resting in the shadow of the cross.”  I love that!  No situation that we come into contact with in this life seem nearly as significant when viewed from the lens of the cross.  I think that we, as Christians, lose sight of that fact from time to time.  We can truly rest in the shadow of the cross.

I hope to bring a word of encouragement from several other songs from the album.  I hope that everyone has a great day.

This just in…

If you have a Mac and you like to read blogs, I would like to introduce you to a program called NetNewsWire.  It is an awesome program!  You can organize all of the blogs that you read regularly into one place, and it updates them automatically.  It is a really easy and quick way to find and read all of your favorite blogs.  I recommend that you google it and download it.  It is really cool.

I hope that everyone is having a great day, and that you are seeking hard after God.

Published in: on September 14, 2009 at 2:32 pm  Leave a Comment  
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I can have my cake and eat it too

Last night Kim and I decided after eating dinner at home that we wanted to go out and get some dessert.  We decided to go to the Marietta Diner.  The Marietta Diner is an awesome place on Cobb Parkway in Marietta.  They serve just about anything that you could possibly want on their menu.  They have everything from Greek Gyros to turkey and dressing.  They have even been featured on the Food Network show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives with Guy Fieri.  However the most awesome thing about the diner is their desserts.  They have an amazing selection to begin with, and one piece of cake there is like three pieces anywhere else.  They are huge.  We decided to get a piece of tiramisu cake and a piece of baklava cheesecake.  The awesome thing is that they also gave us a huge cookie, a piece of key lime pie, and a piece of chocolate cheesecake for free to go with it.  It was really nice of them, and it was all amazingly tasty.  I say all of this to come to the point: The Marietta Diner is an awesome place to go eat, both a meal and dessert.

The universe declares Your majesty….

It has been a while since I have written to the seven people who actually follow my blog regularly, so I guess I apologize.  Anywho…I have been leading the youth in a study through the Book of Titus, and last night we covered Titus 1:10-16.  We talked about false teachers, and what they look like.  I really want the youth to understand that they need to know what false teachers look like and how they behave so that they can point them out when they see them.  I made the statement, “Whether you realize it or not, and whether you embrace it or not you guys are the future leaders of the church.  And you have to decide if you are going to lead in the right direction or the wrong direction.”  My prayer is that through this study of Titus the youth will get a good understanding of what it means to be a productive member of the local church.

I also want to write today about the latest Hubble space telescope press release that came out yesterday.  You should definitely check it out, click here.  These images are completely amazing.  There is no question in my mind that God has His hand in every corner of creation.  He is the masterful Creator of all the universe.  These images that have been released are breathtaking. My personal favorite is the butterfly nebula.  It is beautiful.  I encourage everyone to go check out the images.  God is amazing, and the universe is screaming it out at the top of its lungs.