I might not finish this blog post

I know that it is a morbid thought, but it is true.  The fact of the matter is that each one of us will die at some point.  It is a dark thought to have, but at any given moment you or I could drop dead.  The question is, “Are you ready?”

I have decided, at the urging of my wife, to commit Thursday blog posts to recalling the discussion that we had with the youth group on Wednesday night.  Last night was week two of the Crazy Love study with the youth.  Francis Chan was talking about living our lives as if today were the last day we had on this earth.  If we are being truly honest with ourselves we do not live like that.  We would lead much different lives if truly believed that.  God has so much for us to do that will bless us immeasurably, and we think that we can do it later because we have all of the time in the world.  That is simply not the case.  We must live with a sense of urgency.  Francis makes a statement to the effect of, “Think about this.  Today is not a normal day.  Today could be the day that you actually see God.  We talk about when we get to see him, and what we will do, but today you could actually close your eyes in one instant and open them in front of the throne of God.”  The question that comes to my mind is, if that is the case then why do our lives not reflect that truth?  

We had a great discussion last night.  We talked about how we need to live our lives in a way that exhibits the fact that we are going to live lives that make Jesus famous in our world.  I asked them the question, “If you were to die today and stood before the throne of God, is there anything you would regret?  What can you do today to make sure that you do not have those regrets anymore?”  This fostered some really good discussion.  It is something that we all need to think about.  

Are we ready?  Are we living in a way that shows we value this day to do God’s work on earth?  Do we exhibit the fame of Jesus Christ on a daily basis?  Think about these questions, and please leave your thoughts.

Published in: on April 2, 2009 at 9:29 am  Comments (1)  
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